2010, the National Crime Records Bureau reported approximately 100 male and female infanticides, producing an official rate of less than one case of infanticide per million people.
India is a country that is known for its culture and heritage. Unfortunately it also wraps around a lot of darkness which people often ignore.

During partition it is said that a lot of women and children accepted martyrdom which is incorrect. They were killed or left behind to die as the society considered them burden. Although women are bearers of new life but every other day they are being punished just because of their gender.
A girl child is not celebrated rather deliberately people find out ways to get rid of them.
Section 315 of the Indian Penal Code defines infanticide as the killing of an infant in the 0–1 year age group. The Code uses this definition to differentiate between infanticide and numerous other crimes against children, such as foeticide and murder. Unfortunately the law doesn’t follow through to senior girls babies above the age of one.

In the name of society and culture or the purity of communities atrocities are being done every other day. World is supposed to be for all living beings and it’s not gender biased. Humans have made all these differences. Paganism a religion that celebrated women have been diminished and reconstructed as witch craft.
Strange how we say that a child is connected the most to their mother but alas we don’t blink an eye while putting a dagger through the same mother just because of her gender.
Dec. 15, 2006- Ten million girls have been killed by their parents in India in the past 20 years, either before they were born or immediately after, a government minister said on Thursday, describing it as a “national crisis”- ABC News

A small girl stepping out of her home, she’s scared, people loving her are scared, even men who want to fight for what’s right are scared because we have accepted girl child killing so casually. We read it, listen to news and they fade away.
We should be ashamed that we have reached various parts of the universe yet we fail to see what’s not right on the ground.
A murder is a murder! It cannot be gender biased. How did we become so casual about killing children? Aren’t they supposed to be future of a country and just because someone is born as a girl does that give other people the right to dissect her everyday casually?
Putting a dagger through innocent souls is acceptable just because we are so biased and refuse to even acknowledge what’s wrong.
All these rules, all the media, all these powers have failed to keep a child safe and we talk to building societies in Mars
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