'; My Reviews – Himesh Dosi

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*Cause of death?…….Cancer*..*Cause of death?……. Cancer*..*Cause of death?……..Cancer*..Death comes as a surprise in this field of uncertain life, and our instinct demands us to hate the cause of it. We hate accidents,  the pandemic, and we hate cancer...I remember my uncle saying, “to die out of health issue feels like such a shame, that’s why...
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This is the concept on the history which very few people know about :- . *The Breast Tax (Mulakkaram)* It was a tax imposed on the lower caste and untouchable Hindu women by the Kingdom of Tranvancore (in present-day Kerala state of India) if they wanted to cover their breasts in public till 1924. The lower caste and untouchable women were expected to pay the government a tax on their breasts, as soon as they started developing breasts. Travancore tax collectors would visit every house to collect breast tax from any lower caste women who passed the age of puberty. The tax was evaluated by the tax collectors depending on the size of their breasts.
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This concept is called Female infanticide. It is the deliberate killing of newborn female children. In majority of cases, the mother goes through an emotional and mental turmoil. She feels caged in her helplessness. It's a trauma where she has to live with her husband; that house which she loathes, which killed her child. Be it girl or boy, afterall we all know that a baby when born is first a human.
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