'; hdadmin – Himesh Dosi

Posts by Authorhdadmin

Posts by Authorhdadmin

Why Is the Indian Festival of Holi Dangerous for Women?.It is time for the Hindu celebration of Holi. This festival has been celebrated since the 4th century. It involves the throwing of colored powders, which are called gulal, in a street festival that is a wild celebration..While the festival is intended to celebrate the beginning...
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Two bodiesWanted to be one.Two heartsYearning to join.Two handsHolding onto other two hands.Rules were passed.But family disagreed!They were harshOn the two souls!Ultimately the soulsWere killed!Why?Bcoz they lovedThe same gender.One girl lovedAnother girl!“How could theyNot be normal?”,Said the society!But now,After death,They are freeTo love each other!One girlCan love anotherAfter death!Their ghosts are seenRoaming hand in hand,Kissing...
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2010, the National Crime Records Bureau reported approximately 100 male and female infanticides, producing an official rate of less than one case of infanticide per million people.India is a country that is known for its culture and heritage. Unfortunately it also wraps around a lot of darkness which people often ignore. .During partition it is...
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*Cause of death?…….Cancer*..*Cause of death?……. Cancer*..*Cause of death?……..Cancer*..Death comes as a surprise in this field of uncertain life, and our instinct demands us to hate the cause of it. We hate accidents,  the pandemic, and we hate cancer...I remember my uncle saying, “to die out of health issue feels like such a shame, that’s why...
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This is the concept on the history which very few people know about :- . *The Breast Tax (Mulakkaram)* It was a tax imposed on the lower caste and untouchable Hindu women by the Kingdom of Tranvancore (in present-day Kerala state of India) if they wanted to cover their breasts in public till 1924. The lower caste and untouchable women were expected to pay the government a tax on their breasts, as soon as they started developing breasts. Travancore tax collectors would visit every house to collect breast tax from any lower caste women who passed the age of puberty. The tax was evaluated by the tax collectors depending on the size of their breasts.
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This concept is called Female infanticide. It is the deliberate killing of newborn female children. In majority of cases, the mother goes through an emotional and mental turmoil. She feels caged in her helplessness. It's a trauma where she has to live with her husband; that house which she loathes, which killed her child. Be it girl or boy, afterall we all know that a baby when born is first a human.
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For some serial killers, working in a hospital is the perfect cover for their murderous ways. Since so many people already die in hospitals, many doctor serial killers use their patients as victims through poisoning or another undetectable method of murder. Due to their power position and cover, some killer doctors have racked up hundreds of victims.
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Lavasa is a private, planned city built near Pune. It is stylistically based on the Italian town Portofino, with a street and several buildings bearing the name of that town.
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